Student Organization Spotlight: Best Food Forward
March 21, 2019
Best Food Forward (BFF) was created at The Ohio State University with the goal of improving food accessibility and food culture. They organize bulk produce purchasing so that students and community members can get fresh produce for less than half the price of a grocery store, right here on campus. Anyone who wants to order can simply go to their website by the Wednesday before the buy date, order a produce bag or dry good option, and then head to Scott House on the day of the buy to pick up the produce. That day they can also enjoy a free brunch! BFF runs a similar program with OSU Health Plan for some employees, who are also given access to health coaching to address holistic wellness.
In addition to their main bulk buy events, they have other events and partnerships. They often collaborate with other student orgs on campus and host fun events such as their Chopped-style cooking competition coming up on April 4th They are also working to incorporate more sustainable, locally sourced produce at their buys by partnering with the Ohio State student farm.
BFF has a lot of projects going on and needs all kinds of volunteer help, from marketing to logistics, nutrition, etc. There’s a place for anyone who loves food and wants to help out. All members get plenty of opportunities to volunteer, learn about food security and sustainability, and gain real life project and social enterprise experience while making a difference right here on campus. Their meetings are Monday nights at 7pm in the Ohio Stater’s Founders room in the Ohio Union, and the remaining spring buy dates are April 6, and April 20.
Connect with Best Food Forward:
Instagram: @bestfoodforward_osu
Facebook: Best Food Forward